Hi and wellcome to Flowbeam Arts

My name is Johan Glamér, and I am a swedish citizen, but also a european citizen, and my goal with life is to thrive, and inspire others to do the same. My Goal with my page with flowbeamarts.com is to sell art, but also inspire art. Some art is generated with Ai, and some art I made myself with the help of computers, adobe photoshop, and also some other programs to animate gif images into vivid videos that combine the art and image of many images into one solid wave of animation. GIF is an amazing work of art. and there is also the avi, mpg, and also other fileformats that transcribe images into video. And what is really an image, an image is a solid copy of a real time of data, transcribed into reality using dots, pixels and data, and that is our world, a living example of. A real time rendering of animation of data and analysis in real time emotional expression. And that is us, life, and every single animation of life.


is beautiful.

Data, is knowledge, or more precice, information.

Information builds the world.

Knowledge transcribes the world of information into bits of data, and that into perception.

And we humans, percieve information, reality, emotion, and data.

So we are also connected with it.

The data revolution.

Sincere johan Glamér

"@ Flowbeam arts . com


Some artwork I made.